Amoral Stingray NEW #1 Now on Kickstarter! by Aaron Walther

If you don’t follow me on Facebook and only occasionally stop by the website to see what’s new then you probably think I’m a fairly inactive person…but I’m here to tell you now that that is NOT the case!

In fact, we just launched our latest Kickstarter to fund our newest issue of The Amoral Stingray! Chris McJunkin and I have wanted to do this issue for a long time now, and we are super excited to finally bring it to print! In this issue our rascally villain, Stingray, faces a new type of superhero, the dreaded anti-hero known as The Sinister Saint! He’s fighting a Holy War on Crime and isn’t afraid to kill in the name of the (edge) Lord!

We even have an incredible variant cover by our friends Mark Welser and Paul Little. They worked up this AMAZING homage to another famous character. This cover is ONLY available in this Kickstarter campaign and WILL NOT be reprinted ever again.

Please consider backing this project and help us bring this book to print. I know you’re going to enjoy it. Thanks for your support!


Robot Pulp - The Hideout by Aaron Walther

Greetings, friends!

I have been kind of quiet for the last several weeks, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been busy! Last month I went to Air Capital Comic Con in Wichita, Kansas. It was the first convention I’ve been to since, well, the last Air Capital in 2019! It was great to just get out and see friends and artists that I haven’t seen since the pandemic started. I find it very inspiring and motivating to see all the great new work other creators are producing.

As we settle into the holiday season, I’ve decided not to schedule any more interviews until the start of next year. I love talking to writers and artists, but the podcast is strictly a part time hobby thing. Between my day job, holiday obligations, and my own creative pursuits, I don’t have the time to put into doing interviews and editing videos. I do have a great list of writers and artists lined up that I’m excited to talk to, though! Once January comes around everybody’s schedules should open up and there will be more time for fun comics conversations.

Speaking of my own creative pursuits, though… As many of you probably know, I have written a few short stories based off Ed Bickford’s Robot Pulp art series. The very first Robot Pulp short story, Big Game Hunter, is available to read for free right here! (and the rest are available for purchase on Amazon, wink!)

I’ve decided to record one of the stories, The Hideout, as an audio book and just recently put it up on the YouTube channel for everyone to enjoy. It clocks in at just around an hour, so it’s about the length of an average podcast.

I enjoyed recording The Hideout, and may do more of these readings in the future if people prefer to listen to them rather than read them.

In comic news, I am putting together all the final pieces for the Wreck-Lass Kickstarter rewards. Almost all of the art and stretch goal rewards are finished, we are just waiting for the orders to come in so we can plan to mail everything out in January.

Sara and I are also working on our next comic. It will be called Crash Landing Party and will be a lighthearted sci-fi comedy. We’ll have more to show as it gets further into production.

I hope everybody has a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year! For myself, I’m looking forward to next year and all the great new things I have to work on!

Thanks for reading!


Chris Grine! by Aaron Walther

Greetings, friends!

The newest episode of Aaron’s Indie View features the amazing writer and artist, Chris Grine! This episode went up last week, so you may have already seen me post about it on Facebook or Twitter, but I haven’t had time to write a newsletter about it until today. This was a great conversation with a prominent full time cartoonist! Chris is currently adapting Animorphs, the young adult novel series, into graphic novels. We talk about his career getting started in the comic industry and how he got to where he is today. Check it out!

In other news, The Uncontrollable Wreck-lass Kickstarter campaign was a success! Sara and I are hard at work finalizing the pages and getting them ready for print while we wait for the funds to be released to us. I am very excited to get this book printed and in everybody’s hands (and then getting started on the NEXT comic project!)

Thanks for reading,

Uncontrollable Wreck-Lass Coming to Print! by Aaron Walther

Greetings, friends!

Big news this week! The Uncontrollable Wreck-Lass is live on Kickstarter! We have just over 30 hours left in the campaign and are already 106% funded! Thanks to everyone who has supported! The campaign will be going until Tuesday, the 19th, so we still got time to hit those stretch goals! Please give it a look and share it will all your comic loving friends!

And if you’re wondering exactly what the comic is about, then good news! The newest episode of Aaron’s Indie View features my Wreck-Lass collaborator, Sara Rude-McCune! She talks a little about how she got into making comic art and then we discuss our favorite parts of Wreck-Lass. Give it a look!

As always, thanks for reading!


Spooky Scary Clowns! by Aaron Walther

Greetings, friends!

I come to you this week with several updates! First and foremost, The newest episode of Aaron’s Indie View is up. I chat with indie artist, Amanda Rachels, about her horror comic, Vicious Circus (currently funding on Kickstarter).

Additionally, I have a few other videos I’ve uploaded since the last newsletter. There is a bonus clip with Bryan Timmins where he shows off some of his custom toys. This was supposed to be edited into the main video, but I forgot so it gets its own bonus clip.

I am also going to start doing more comic book reviews. If you didn’t know, I work at a comic book store for my day job and have access to so many books. I have been reading a ton of new stuff, lately, so I am going to make an effort to post my thoughts and opinions of whatever I’m reading. I will will mostly be talking about graphic novels or collected trade paperbacks because I prefer to read/recommend completed stories. I’m afraid I won’t have a lot to say about a single issue of an ongoing arc. I will try to keep it a mix of classic and newer books, though.

I have reviews up for two newly released books, Stray Dogs and Letters from Animals. I also have a review of Aliens: Dead Orbit by James Stokoe. Check ‘em out if you are looking for new books to read. Also, please let me know if you have any recommendations. I’m always looking for something new to read.

But that’s not all! I still have one other thing to mention. Yesterday, the FINAL PAGE of The Uncontrollable Wreck-Lass went up! This book four years to make and it was an incredibly rewarding and creative process working with Sara. I think we’ve made a really great comic that is entertaining to kids and adults alike. We will launch a Kickstarter for the printed book on October 5th, so stay tuned.

Okay, I think I’m finally out of things to say, other than…

Thanks for reading,


Making Comics and Toys by Aaron Walther

Greetings, friends!

The newest episode of Aaron’s Indie View is up. This week I chat with my friend, Bryan Timmins. Bryan is a great artist who doesn’t just write and draw comics, he also makes custom toys, which is one of those things that I kind of always wanted to do but couldn’t even begin to figure out how (to do). Check out the podcast here!

In other news, The Uncontrollable Wreck-Lass is nearing the final page of the book! Check it out, and stay tuned for news on the upcoming Kickstarter.

Thanks for reading,

The Bell Tones for thee! by Aaron Walther

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Greetings, friends!

I have another episode of Aaron’s Indie View for you to see! On this episode, I talk to St. Louis based writer, Jim Ousely, about his book The Atonement Bell, which is currently funding on Kickstarter.

It should come as no surprise, but I enjoyed talking to another writer about the production aspects of producing indie comics. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Check it out here!

As always, thanks for reading!

Writer's Responsibility by Aaron Walther

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Greetings, friends!

Aaron’s Indie View sees its first repeat guest in the form on Scott Schmidt! Scott and I have a long, broad discussion about writing, producing, publishing, pitching, and selling comics at the indie level. We lay out some of the frustrations and challenges that anyone wanting to jump into the indie comic game might face.

It is my hope that this conversation will not come across as a sourpuss gripe session, but rather just some frank talk about things that both Scott and I have experienced in our decade of writing and producing indie comics that can serve as broad advice. We give literal examples of mistakes we’ve made and corrections we’ve learned to implement in our creative endeavors. Check it out!

Thanks for reading,
